搜索 Wongkamlao

  • 爱战也梭吞3HD
  • 曼谷保镖2HD
    影片故事讲述拔泰王锦鲁饰演的东南亚某小国特工翁坤,为了调查一伙恐怖份子,秘密潜入泰国曼谷执行任务,并化装成为流行歌星,混入唱片公司追查。他老婆并不知道他的真实身份,因为翁坤是个十足的“妻管严”,但要命的是,他在泰国无可救药爱上了一个漂亮美眉……与此同时,恐怖份子也要发动大规模袭击了,翁坤如何能制止这场破坏?   ⊙…
  • 爱战也梭吞HD
      Rural love story in 1967! Yaem tries everyway to get away from Joey who is crushed on him as he thinks himself 'handsome'. Something happens in a night before Joey is sent by her parents to Bangkok. Yaem realizes his heart is changing.
  • 乡村教师HD
      In the 1970's a young idealistic teacher arrives in a remote impoverished North East Issan village to teach in a school. He must first reform the womanizing, gambling addicted, wife beating headmaster. He helps poor families get school u…
  • 顽皮后卡比HD
      In a Southern province in Thailand, a young boy lives with his uncle and a monkey called Kapi. When the uncle dies, the boy is threatened by a real estate tycoon who wants to buy their land and turn it into a resort. The boy has to train…
  • 爱战也梭吞2HD
    Rural love story continues in Yaem Yasothorn 2, the sequel to the hit comedy "Yaem Yasothon" directed by popular comedian turned director Mum Jokmok. The story continues after the marriage of Yaem and Joey when the couple has a beautiful daughter and Ya
  • E-San 爱情故事HD
    Sian 是个英俊的泰国东北部人,他热爱自己的家乡并深爱着自己和他的女朋友。 他正在等待着他的女朋友 Som 从曼谷回来两人一起生活。 Sian 帮母亲煮醉蝶花在小店里贩售。Pak 是 Sian 的学妹, 自从大学一年级开始就一直暗恋 Sian。终于有一天,Som 带着新男友回来了,并宣布两人很快会结婚。Sian的梦想被浇灭了。Sian试图让他最好的朋友Ba…