萨宾娜30岁了,她的母亲和祖母都试着为她寻找结婚对象却未果。有一天,她遇见了一位酷似电影明星的年轻男子,并对他产生了兴趣。他的出现惊喜连连,使三位女性的生活发生了变化…… A story about women, set in the present and in 1950s Warsaw. The main character is Sabina, a quiet, shy woman …
一群犹太人为躲避大屠杀,创造了一个勉强可以称之为家的地 方他们几乎成功远离了战争。但即使是最佳的藏身之处,也总 有被发现的一天。 Hiding from pogroms, a group of Jews creates the closest thing to a home they can. The War seems to be passing them by from afar. But ev…