搜索 Wahlberg

  • <p>资料来源:破烂熊乐园 nk2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ragbear.com%2F&link2key=8a6172bfe3 target="_blank">http://www.ragbear.com/</a>  这是一部典型的为男性观众准备的硬派枪战电视剧,和Spike的一贯风格极为吻合,这一点在过去的电视剧《刀锋战士电视剧版》中已有体现。《The Kill Point/危机时刻》由两位艾…
  • 骗子家族HD
    A clan of Irish-American con artists live in a secluded compound and have their own time-honored customs. Pat returns to the hideout for the funeral of his father, who irked the clan by marrying an outsider. Because his mother is not Irish, the compound's boss, Jack Costello, tells him that he's no longer welcome; but …
  • 钻石人HD
    由于生活所迫,三十多岁的钻石推销员Eddie Miller(罗伯特·福斯特 饰)工作一直勤勤恳恳,从不迟到早退,业绩也总是名列前茅,然而即便如此也面临了要被裁员的命运,经过多次沟通之后他寻找到了一个契机,必须在他的公司裁掉他之前想办法留下来,对于他而言这并非易事,他想要转行做些别的却遇到不靠谱的搭档,本来一向严谨Eddie Mille…