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  • 河口的圣诞节HD
    When successful New York marketing executive Katherine discovers her workaholic ways are taking a toll on her eight-year-old son, Zac, she decides to spend Christmas with him and her mother, Lilly in her home town on the bayou. When Caleb tries to rekindle a childhood romance and convince her to move back home, Katheri…
  • 河口上的圣诞HD
     梅雷迪思 · 安德森是一个生活在纽约的离异妈妈,带着她九岁的儿子,安迪。她在圣诞前的几个礼拜辞去了工作,搬家到费耶特维尔,路易斯安那州。梅雷迪思现在最大的问题就是想办法如何生活。安迪很想念他的朋友们,在新地方和当地的小朋友们格格不入。安迪有一天遇到了一个年迈白胡子老爷爷,他说他叫诺尔爷爷,独自生活在密西西比河岸。迦…