搜索 丹妮尔·查克兰

  • 细节2009HD
    Someone"s trying to make the students sick at the upscale boarding school, Danforth Academy! Abby, Paige, Claire and Taylor, join forces to solve the mystery. Could it be Mia or Riley - the girls who have everything that money can buy? Or Emily the know it all Principal"s daughter? Maybe it"s the wacky S…
  • 细节HD
    有人试图让学生在丹佛斯学院的高档寄宿学校生病!艾比,佩奇,克莱尔和泰勒联手解决了这个谜团。难道是米娅或莱利-拥有金钱所能买到的一切的女孩吗?还是艾米莉(Emily)知道所有校长的女儿?也许是古怪的肖恩·梅内斯基(Sean Meneskie)还是学校里奇怪的普兰教授。无论是谁,四个最好的朋友都会找出答案!
  • 亡魂出没HD