搜索 Tan

  • JinakeSamanistheuniversitymoonintheengineeringfaculty,knownacrossthewholecampusasthehottestmoon.Therewasthesayingamongthecampus“NothingandnoonewashotterthanMr.Jin!”Onedaywhenhisgirlfriendbrokeupwithhim,hefellapartindespair.Helaterdiscovere…
  • 民间流传真一法师精通术法,世代隐居忘忧山,镇压一方气运。 忘忧山下,安阳村出现村民接二连三死亡事件,传言是无常双煞作祟,刘玄李作为真一门最后一任法师,受邀下山调查怪事。刘玄李先遇到无常鬼盗人尸体,又收服为爱人守孤坟的狐仙,更逢死囚接连消失。随着一系列历险,这些猎奇传说都被串联在一起。真相浮出水面--幕后黑手也使用真一法术…
  • Mila and Kia have been best friends and teammates for as long as they can remember. When the girls get a new football coach in former pro Lollo, they slowly start to drift apart. Mila, who dreams of becoming a football professional, finally sees her chance to succeed – but is it worth sacrificing her best friend to win…
  • 一伙冷酷无情的蒙面恐怖分子因为某种原因而绑架挟持了英国首相的女儿,并在一个地下停车场构建防御工事、设置装置炸药。为了解救女儿,于是,一个训练有素的特种部队——SAS被派出,他们必须逐层对这栋建筑进行排查,逐一清除可能发生未知的危险,并且成功的安全解救人质。
  • 一种未知疾病的流行给Phanom Nakha的儿童带来了奇怪的蛇形鳞片,这促使enedict博士研究这一现象。亚思雅,一个医学插画师,被选中来帮助他。一路上,两人遇到了Phumkhaobin,一个活泼但神秘的男人,也是亚思雅朋友Pheka的弟弟。当加入这项研究时,亚思娅无法想象她不仅会遇到神秘的Phumkhaobin,还会卷入一个人们崇拜蛇的村庄的神秘传说中。
  • 功夫雄狮HD
    14-year-old Jimmy (played by Tyrell Williams) practices kung fu. For the lion dance, which is performed out on the streets, he is determined to hold the head of the lion. But when his teacher, the sifu, announces the new crew, his dream comes crashing down. He has to make do with the tail end, while the talented newcom…
  • 母亲的皮下HD
  • 塔查·翁泰拉维特和帕亚克·查德查·陈订婚是因为一份互惠互利的商业协议。喜儿和孔迪亚乌甜蜜的爱情就像一部浪漫小说的结局…好像。订婚那天只剩下塔查一个人。当他搬进喜儿的住处时,他被单独留下。由于婚礼即将举行,他不得不独自处理一切…他的名字是孔迪亚乌,但不代表他想一个人!由于痛苦无法忍 受,塔查决定从未来的婚礼逃到瑞士,没有…
  • 电视上最受欢迎的真人秀节目中的恶棍将参与竞争,每周将淘汰一人,直到只剩下一名获胜者。
  • Academy Award-winning documentarian Errol Morris pulls back the curtain on the storied life and career of former British spy David Cornwell — better known as John le Carré, author of such classic espionage novels as The Spy Who Came in fro…