搜索 Aum

  • 人小志气高HD
  • 剩女HD
  • 一对小情侣梦想一起拥有美好的未来,但是遇到一对感情破裂的夫妻,各自擦出火花,小情侣相互猜忌,感情出现裂纹,遭遇外来的美色财富等等诱惑,他们能不能走到最后?
  • 俄罗斯:在老虎,熊和火山之间HD
    Äsende Elche im inneren Ural, geschmeidige Amur-Tiger am Pazifikstrand, kämpfende Riesenseeadler in Kamtschatka, Eisbären auf der Jagd in der Arktis oder munter tauchende Robben im Baikalsee. Die atemberaubende
  • 极乐HD
  • 我们的时间就在当HD
    Dawid, Vanessa and Ludwig are the finalists at a pitch-competition for a movie about the German Rap phenomenon CRO. As the three youngsters work out their extraordinary film ideas, they must fight through unexpected personal challenges.
  • 神童2011HD
    金波(杰弗里·埃文·托马斯 Jeffrey Evan Thomas 配音)是一个拥有神奇能力的少年,年岁渐长的他始终相信,他并不是独自一人,在这个世界上一定存在着许多和他相同的人,他想将这些人聚集在一起,将他们的能力用在对社会有益的方面。没过多久,5个和金波一样的神奇少年浮出了水面,在感到高兴之余,金波也发现,这些少年多多少少都曾因为他们的…
  • 碧海寻宝记HD
    ‘Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable’ charts the story behind Damien Hirst’s most ambitious project to date. Almost ten years in the making, the eponymous exhibition was displayed across the Punta della Dogana and Palazzo Grassi …
  • 圣诞遗产HD
  • 成为邦德HD
    The stranger-than-fiction true story of George Lazenby, a poor Australian car mechanic who, through an unbelievable set of circumstances, landed the role of James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969), despite having never acted a day in his life. Then after being offered the next seven Bond films and a $1 mil…